1 July 2014

Staff attended the Power Tynan Christmas Party on Friday 6th December at Storm King Dam in Stanthorpe. An enjoyable time was had by all, with entertainment provided by fire twirlers, a live band and a magical display of fireworks to end the night!

Power Tynan staff enjoying christmas celebrations

Congratulations to Brad Hancock of our Toowoomba office who recently completed both the education and practical experience components of the CPA Program and has advanced to CPA status. Well done Brad!

Congratulations to Jane Kerridge of our Stanthorpe office and her husband Scott, who welcomed Zackary Scott Kerridge into the world on 3rd February, weighing 7lb 14oz.

The Power Tynan Scholarship Program has been in place since 2008 and is available to Grade 12 graduates who are intending to undertake a university degree within the industry.

The Scholarship enables the students to study part-time at USQ while working on a full time basis for Power Tynan, with our firm paying the individual’s HELP debt for all successfully completed subjects.

While the obvious advantage to the scholarship recipients is that they have their course fees paid, they are also in an enviable position where they can apply their knowledge practically and receive valuable on-the-job mentoring and training.

Our 2014 Scholarship recipients are Ashley Leighton and Jacob Oyat, who commenced their employment with Power Tynan at the end of January. We extend a warm welcome to these new faces and hope they enjoy their time working within our firm.

Power Tynan recently had eighteen staff members participate in the Club Red Group Blood Donation Program. Club Red provides an opportunity for organisations and groups across Australia to get together and do something special by regularly donating blood.

Those staff members who register will give blood four times over the twelve month period, which is a fantastic effort, because one in three Australians will need blood in their lifetime, yet only one in thirty donates.

Brooke Shatte at the Apple & Grape Harvest
Festival Young Ambassador Quest.

Congratulations to Brooke Shatte who represented Power Tynan in the Apple & Grape Harvest Festival Young Ambassador Quest.

We are extremely proud of Brooke and all she achieved throughout the Quest. During this time, Brooke raised over $31,500.

Well done Brooke and all of the other Ambassadors who took part!

Congratulations Brooke on raising over $31,500

Toowoomba Chamber of Commerce Future Leaders Industry Tour

On Tuesday 25th March, many of our younger staff attended the Toowoomba Chamber of Commerce Future Leaders Industry Tour held at Withcott Seedlings.

Withcott Seedlings is a major commercial supplier of vegetable seedlings to the East coast of Australia and forms an integral link in the supply of fresh food throughout Australia and the Asia-Pacific. The company is renowned for its innovative quality management systems, environmental water recycling infrastructure and inventive horticultural techniques. Offering a large variety of established and new hybrid seedlings, Withcott Seedlings has the proven capacity to produce well over 500 million seedlings per year.

Attendees were given the opportunity to see first hand where the food chain starts as many of their seedlings become the produce you purchase at grocers and major supermarkets such as Coles, Woolworths and IGA. They even had the chance to test their golf cart driving skills!

On Saturday 3rd May, Power Tynan competed in the Fitness First Corporate Triathlon held at The Spit at the Gold Coast. This is the 12th year that our firm has been involved in the triathlon, with staff encouraged to participate as part of the company’s health and wellbeing program.

The firm entered seven teams of three, with the majority being staff members. Each individual participant completed a 400m swim, 10km bike ride and 4km run, which is an achievement in itself. Congratulations to everyone who took part in the event. We hope to have the same level of staff interest and involvement next year.

Power Tynan competed in the Fitness First Corporate Triathlon

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07 4681 6700


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07 4622 4345


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