30 June 2021

Superannuation Guarantee (SG) rate increase to 10% from 1 July 2021

Per the legislated update superannuation guarantee on payroll paid from 1 July 2021 will attract SG of 10%. Please note that any payroll amounts paid to your employees before 30 June 2021 will still only attract the 9.5% SG rate.

Below is a summary of software requirements from our most common software programs, showing what is required to keep your businesses payroll compliant with this update.

The below software updates are based on all the employees being correctly set up in your chosen software.

If your software isn’t listed or should you need any assistance with these updates, please contact your advisor at our office.


Xero automatically applies the correct rates for superannuation based on the payment date of a pay run, so there are no adjustments required on your end

This will only update automatically for the ‘Statutory Rate’ Calculation Type for superannuation so please ensure this is set up correctly in Xero

Information from Xero: https://central.xero.com/s/article/Updates-to-superannuation-guarantee-contributions

MYOB AccountRight & AccountRight Online

The SGC settings for AccountRight can be updated in one place and this will apply to all employees.

  1. Go into Payroll Command Centre > Payroll Categories > Superannuation tab
  2. Click on the Blue Arrow next to Superannuation Guarantee (SGC) (if this is the category you use for employees)
  3. Set the Calculation Basis to 10%
  4. Information from MYOB: https://help.myob.com/wiki/display/ar/Changing+the+superannuation+guarantee+rate

MYOB Essentials (New)

The SCG settings for Essentials (New) can be updated in one place and this will apply to all employees.

  1. Go into the Payroll menu and choose Pay Items
  2. Click on the Superannuation tab
  3. Click to open the Superannuation Guarantee category
  4. Ensure that the Super Information Percentage % is 10
  5. Information from MYOB: https://help.myob.com/wiki/display/myob/Changing+the+superannuation+guarantee+rate

MYOB Essentials (Old)

The SCG settings for Essentials (Old) will need to be changed individually for each employee.

  1. Go into the Payroll menu and choose Employees
  2. Click on the employees name
  3. Click on the Superannuation tab
  4. Update the Super Guarantee 'employer contribution' figure is 10%
  5. Repeat the above steps for all the necessary employees
  6. Information from MYOB: https://help.myob.com/wiki/display/ea/Changing+the+superannuation+guarantee+rate

Reckon Accounts:

Reckon has released patches for Accounts Premier and Accounts Enterprise files that accommodate the changes in superannuation from 9.5% to 10% in all pay runs with payment dates listed after 01 July 2021.

Please ensure that these patches are installed at your convenience prior to running your first payroll to ensure that the superannuation on these will calculate correctly.

Please be aware that it is important to still check that this is calculating correctly for each employee to ensure that the employee earnings for all employees do not have any settings in place adjusting the default settings.

Reckon Accounts Hosted:

Reckon has released an update for Reckon Accounts Hosted that has updated the superannuation guarantee charge rate from 9.5% to 10% in all pay runs with payment dates listed as after 01 July 2021.

Please upgrade to 2021 R2 after completing your final payroll for 2021 and prior to running your first payroll for 2022.

Please be aware that it is important to still check that this is calculating correctly for each employee to ensure that the employee earnings for all employees do not have any settings in place adjusting the default settings.

Reckon One:

Reckon has released an update for Reckon One that has updated the superannuation guarantee charge rate from 9.5% to 10% in all pay runs with payment dates listed as after 01 July 2021.

Please be aware that it is important to still check that this is calculating correctly for each employee to ensure that the employee earnings for all employees do not have any settings in place adjusting the default settings.

Cashflow Manager (online)

No action is necessary, this has already been updated in the last data maintenance that was completed.

Cashflow Manager (desktop)

For the superannuation rate to be increased to 10%, you will need to update to the latest version which was released on the 22nd June, 2021 - Version 11.7.1.

You can download this latest version from their website or click on this link https://www.cashflow-manager.com.au/downloads/

Intuit Quickbooks

From the 1st of July any employee who has been set up using the default super rate will be automatically adjusted to 10%

If the employee isn’t on a default rate than you will need to manually update if they are under the 10%. You can do this in the pay rates section of each employee and simply tick the override box on the super rate and enter in your own rate


From the 1st of July any employee who has been set up using the default super rate will be automatically adjusted to 10%

If the employee isn’t on a default rate than you will need to manually update if they are under the 10%. You can do this in the pay rates section of each employee and simply tick the override box on the super rate and enter in your own rate


From the 1st of July any employee who has been set up with the ‘Automaticupdate super rates’ checkbox ticked will be updated automatically.

  1. This checkbox is located in the employee file within the payroll section of Phoenix
  2. Information from Phoenix: https://www.agdata.com.au/products/financials/payroll/#c15010




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