19 December 2016

This quarter we celebrated the Power Tynan anniversaries of Ben Tansky (five years), Jason Clewley (ten years) and Edna Hurtz (forty-five years).

Ben Tansky

Date & Place of Birth

8 November, Warwick.


Assumption College in Warwick (graduated Year 12 in 2011), University of Southern Queensland (Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Accounting and Finance, graduated in November 2015).

Hobbies & Interests

NRL (massive Broncos supporter!), jet-ski/water sports, and travel.

When did you start working at Power Tynan?

I began working with Power Tynan straight out of high school as a recipient of the Power Tynan scholarship – my first day was 13th February 2012.

Why did you apply for a job at Power Tynan?

During my final months of high school, I was informed about the Power Tynan scholarship by one of my peers, whose cousin worked for Power Tynan. Accounting was always going to be my career path, as I thoroughly enjoyed the subject at school in Years 11 and 12, so after being told of the great team at Power Tynan the decision to submit my application was easy.

Why do you enjoy working at Power Tynan?

Definitely the team culture – no matter what people’s roles are within Power Tynan, everyone is always supportive of each other and happy to help every staff member at every level. That’s what makes it such a unique place to work, and this is reflected in the level of service we give our clients.

Jason Clewley

Date & Place of Birth

13 August, Toowoomba.


University of Southern Queensland (Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Accounting and IT Management), CPA.

Hobbies & Interests

I enjoy keeping up to date with new technology and gadgets that are released.

When did you start working at Power Tynan?

January 2007.

Why did you apply for a job at Power Tynan?

A family friend who was a client of Power Tynan spoke extremely highly of the experience she had with the firm. When the opportunity arose to apply for a position, I knew I wanted to work for a company with such a good reputation.

Why do you enjoy working at Power Tynan?

Power Tynan has an inclusive team culture. I also enjoy helping staff and clients find solutions to their IT related problems.

Edna Hurtz

Date & Place of Birth

31 October (many moons ago!), Stanthorpe.


I completed Grade 10 at Stanthorpe State High School.

Hobbies & Interests

I don’t get time yet, but I love working on the property with the cattle and sheep, especially around calving and lambing time. I also enjoy working in the garden.

When did you start working at Power Tynan?

I started at Power Tynan on 4th January, 1972.

Why did you apply for a job at Power Tynan?

Power Tynan advertised in the newspaper, looking for a junior receptionist. I was just about to finish school and thought I could handle that role.

Why do you enjoy working at Power Tynan?

I love the work that I do and the people that I work with – they have all been so good to me, ever since I started as a junior.




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