20 December 2018

My Say with Amanda Kenafake

Hi all, and welcome to the final Powerline for the 2018 year - and WOW what a year it has been!

In my first year as CEO of Power Tynan, as a team we have achieved some amazing things, worked with some amazing clients and delivered some truly inspiring outcomes and results for all involved.

I was working on my 100 Day Plan in December 2017, on what my first 100 days as the CEO would look like. I think I should have added another 0 to the end of the 100 Day Plan, its amazing how quickly those first 100 days has gone! In fact the entire year has sped by, I can't believe its only 4 sleeps until Christmas!

Ordinarily at this time of year, and early in the new year, we are having our Christmas/New Year parties and catching up with everyone. However, this year we have decided to do something a little bit more special as on the 1st April 2019, Power Tynan turns 50!!

Its been an amazing journey, or so i’m told by the clients who have been a part of the Power Tynan family since it began, and also our very own Edna Hurtz who has been here for almost 47 years!

I can’t wait to start organising this event and touching base with everyone who has been a part of this journey. I wonder if Mr Power thought this business would stand the test of time, and if he could foresee how it would change and what it would morph into over the years. If anyone has any memorabilia or photographs, please get in touch with us so we can really do something special.

At the beginning of November, Gilda & I attended the World Congress of Accountants, with over 6,000 attendees from all over the world. I was lucky enough to speak at this event, and it’s a truly humbling experience to represent Power Tynan and hear from a number of different people who are truly amazed of our significant achievement for a non corporate, non family business.

We wish everyone an amazing Christmas, and hope you all enjoy the festive season with family and friends. Cherish the people that are a part of your life and make sure you take time out to spend with your loved ones.

All the best for 2019, and look forward to talking to you all in the New Year!




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