5 May 2020

JobKeeper – Now you are enrolled, what are the next steps?

Identify and maintain your eligible employees

If STP enabled payroll software has JobKeeper functionality

  • Update each eligible employee in your payroll software. See links below for popular software products in relation to this process:
  • Log into Business Portal using myGovID and navigate to COVID-19 screen
  • Select Step 2 under JobKeeper banner – Identify and maintain employee eligible for JobKeeper wage subsidies

  • Select the month you are identifying eligible employees for (April or May depending on when you became eligible for the payment)
  • If you have an eligible business participant, select Yes to identify this business participant, enter TFN and DOB for the participant, and select a JobKeeper status for your eligible business participant:
    • Not claiming yet – the business participant is eligible but is not yet claiming for this month’s JobKeeper fortnights
    • Claim FN1 and 2 – the business participant is claiming both JobKeeper fortnights in this month
    • Claim only FN1 – the business participant is claiming fortnight one only (they are not eligible to claim fortnight 2)
    • Claim from FN2 – the business participant is claiming fortnight two only (they are not eligible to claim fortnight 1)
  • To identify any eligible employees, confirm the numbers prefilled under Eligible employees per JobKeeper fortnights are correct. These have been automatically prefilled based on the lodgement of your STP through your payroll software. If these are incorrect, you will need to correct them in your software program via STP lodgement.

If STP enabled payroll software does not have JobKeeper functionality and you have 200 employees or less

  • Log into Business Portal using myGovID and navigate to COVID-19 screen
  • Select Step 2 under JobKeeper banner – Identify and maintain employee eligible for JobKeeper wage subsidies

  • Select the month you are identifying eligible employees for (April or May depending on when you became eligible for the payment)
  • If you have an eligible business participant, select Yes to identify this business participant, enter TFN and DOB for the participant, and select a JobKeeper status for your eligible business participant:
    • Not claiming yet – the business participant is eligible but is not yet claiming for this month’s JobKeeper fortnights
    • Claim FN1 and 2 – the business participant is claiming both JobKeeper fortnights in this month
    • Claim only FN1 – the business participant is claiming fortnight one only (they are not eligible to claim fortnight 2)
    • Claim from FN2 – the business participant is claiming fortnight two only (they are not eligible to claim fortnight 1)
  • To confirm your eligible employee details select them from the list prefilled from your STP lodgement. Select the appropriate status as listed above for business participants.

  • If there are any additional employees which are not prefilled from your STP lodgements, select Yes you would like to add other employees, and add additional employees using TFN and DOB

If you do not have STP enabled payroll software and have less than 40 employees

  • Log into Business Portal using myGovID and navigate to COVID-19 screen
  • Select Step 2 under JobKeeper banner – Identify and maintain employee eligible for JobKeeper wage subsidies

  • Select the month you are identifying eligible employees for (April or May depending on when you became eligible for the payment)
  • If you have an eligible business participant, select Yes to identify this business participant, enter TFN and DOB for the participant, and select a JobKeeper status for your eligible business participant:
    • Not claiming yet – the business participant is eligible but is not yet claiming for this month’s JobKeeper fortnights
    • Claim FN1 and 2 – the business participant is claiming both JobKeeper fortnights in this month
    • Claim only FN1 – the business participant is claiming fortnight one only (they are not eligible to claim fortnight 2)
    • Claim from FN2 – the business participant is claiming fortnight two only (they are not eligible to claim fortnight 1)
  • To confirm eligible employees, select Yes add eligible employees and No more than 40 employees

  • Add up to 40 employees by selecting Yes to do you want to add other employees, and enter TFN and DOB.

Make a business monthly declaration

Before completing the monthly declaration, please note:

  • Providing current and projected turnover is not a retest of your eligibility, rather an indication of how your business is progressing
  • If you have eligible employees:
    • Ensure $1,500 per JobKeeper fortnight has been paid
    • Check if your eligible employees have changed or left your employment. If so, notify the ATO via Step 2 – identify

To make your monthly declaration each month:

  • Log into Business Portal using myGovID and navigate to COVID-19 screen.
  • Select Step 3 under JobKeeper banner – Business monthly declaration for JobKeeper payment
  • Provide GST turnover for the declaration month and projected turnover for the following month
  • Reconfirm eligible employees and contact/financial institution details for receiving JobKeeper payment
  • Complete declaration and submit
  • It is advisable to also use the Print friendly function to capture the monthly declaration as a PDF and save this for your records.

Key Dates

  • From 4 May, complete Step 2 – Identify and maintain your eligible employees and eligible business participants
  • By 8 May, pay all eligible employees at least $1,500 (before tax) for each JobKeeper fortnight
  • By 31 May, complete enrolment and identification of eligible employees if you want to claim for April and May JobKeeper fortnights
  • Each month, complete Step 3 – Make a business monthly declaration via the Business Portal

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