5 January 2015

Toowoomba's male upper lips have returned to normality as shavers came out to celebrate the end of Movember, the annual fundraiser for cancer research.

Power Tynan dug deep for the cause as 19 (male) staff sprouted hair along their upper lips through the month, raising more than $7,000.

The Movember community has raised $580 million and funded more than 800 programs in 21 countries focused on improving the lives of men affected by prostate cancer, testicular cancer and mental health problems.

Paul Best led the charge of "Powerful Mos" of hairy upper lips for charity this year.

Paul said: “I'm passionate about this cause because my family has been touched by prostate cancer and we still see too many men dying unnecessarily from this disease. Each year around 20,000 Aussie men are diagnosed and more than 3,200 sadly die from prostate cancer.

"I hope, with the support to fund this important work, we can create a world where no man dies of prostate cancer.”

As the month wrapped up, the Power Tynan staff presented awards for the best efforts throughout the event.

Of course, Paul took out "Mister Movember". Dan Beck took the dubious award of "Miss Movember" because he constantly hid his upper lip from gaze. The "Mo of the People" award went to Andrew Crestani on a popular vote and Brad Hancock received an award for "Most Funds Raised", amassing an amazing $2,640.

There is still time to show support for the Power Tynan Mos by donating online at the ‘Powerful Mo’s’ web page: http://au.movember.com/team/1534265.




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