26 September 2016

The Power Tynan Charitable Trust was established by the management and staff of Power Tynan in July 2010, with the aim of giving back and making a positive contribution to our local communities. We look to make a contribution to two worthy organisations every quarter, and have donated over $140,000 since the Trust’s inception, which is something we are extremely proud of.

Toowoomba Clubhouse is one such organisation, established in 1996 to help address a shortage of mental health services for people in the Toowoomba community. It has a non-institutional, restorative environment within which people support each other through recovery from mental illness.

To support this important cause, the Power Tynan Charitable Trust recently donated $1,500 to the Toowoomba Clubhouse Association.

“The Toowoomba Clubhouse works with people who have a mental illness, enabling them to gain the confidence and skills required to beat homelessness, unemployment and social exclusion,” said Chief Executive Officer Jo Sheppard. “We achieve this through initiatives such as participating in a work-ordered day, supported education and employment, housing and self-directed planning and supported goal setting.”

Power Tynan staff member Paul Best is a strong supporter of the Clubhouse and what they do for our community, and nominated the organisation to receive a donation from the Charitable Trust.

“The Clubhouse provides opportunities to members which they would not have been offered otherwise, and encourages members to choose their level of participation within a safe environment,” said Paul. “Members can build and improve skills, and are afforded the chance to socialise with their peers and other members who have been through the same experiences.”

The Toowoomba Clubhouse turns 20 this year, and are hosting a Birthday Gala Dinner on November 5 - not only to celebrate, but also to raise the profile of the organisation throughout the Toowoomba business community.

For more information regarding the Toowoomba Clubhouse, or to find out how you can be involved, please visit http://www.toowoombaclubhouse.org.au/

LEFT: Paul Best of Power Tynan presents Brendan Schumann and Jo Sheppard of Toowoomba Clubhouse with a cheque for $1,500




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