2 December 2021

Balancing Tricks – Tips for achieving a WFH Work/Life Balance

We now live in a world where many of us work remotely from the comfort of our homes. Some see it as a blessing and some not so much.

Regardless of which camp you are in there is one thing we can all agree on and that is that working from home blurs the line between work and life balance. We’ve put together some helpful tips from our experiences with working from home to help reset the work/life balance when working from home.

1. Morning routine

Like most of us at the beginning of this pandemic, you likely rolled out of bed 5 minutes before logging in and starting the day. To some this may sound like the dream, however this can have a toll on your wellbeing! Try starting your day doing things you love that make you feel relaxed. You could do a 10-minute yoga session, a quick walk around the block or your garden listening to your favourite songs/podcasts. Whatever it is, start the day well! And whatever you do, please don’t check your work emails from bed – it can wait.

2. Take a lunch break

Lunch breaks seem to get overlooked when working from home. It is important to have a break throughout the day so that your tasks during the day don’t blend into one big never-ending list of jobs – this is not work life balance. It will also make your time at “work” more productive in the long-run.

3. Fitness routine

We know that exercise is essential to keeping healthy and positive, especially when spending most of your time indoors. Set yourself a time where you can exercise each day, or every second day just to get your body moving and your blood pumping. Try competitions with work friends to keep motivated and engaged. This could be done at the beginning or end of each day to make sure you are clocking off from work.

4. Weekly check-in with yourself

Working from home can be challenging – there is no shame in that. Allow yourself a weekly check in to determine how you are really going. Review how the week has gone and what you would have changed about it, and then make those changes next week. Onwards and upwards!

5. Take our Life Balance Diagnostic

Take 5 minutes to see how your life balance is tracking with our free Life Balance tool. Those few minutes will give you back immediate feedback on what is working well (we all need a pat on the back) and where you can best focus your limited time to improve your personal life balance.

Try just 1 of these tips and see if it helps. If you are feeling extra motivated try all of them, but at least try something!




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