2 November 2022

Advisory Board? At least a sounding board!

As a business owner you know that there are so many things that you need to know and be responsible for. Who do you turn to? Who do you talk to?

You might have different people for different things, but it can feel disjointed or be a very lonely world and possibly without anyone to talk to about sensitive issues. Many business owners feel this way, you are not alone!

It’s very common that as your business grows it will stretch your skills and abilities and you may need to talk to specialists in certain areas or just have a sounding board that isn’t your spouse. Having people outside of your business to talk to also helps you see things that may not be pretty and need correcting. It’s a terrible saying, but no parent ever thinks their baby is ugly, but sometimes there are ugly businesses out there, that business owners just can’t see as they are too close.

At some point we get to the point where we wonder if an advisory board is the answer, or at least a better way to get other perspectives.

There are many options for people to talk to and to make life as a business owner a little easier, we have started our Summit Community at Power Tynan. This community bring together like-minded people to discuss leadership, direction/vision, strategy, growth, marketing, recruitment. You name the issue somebody in the group will have dealt with it and will be happy to share some insight or solution, or may be on the very same journey as you right now! Find out more from one of our Director’s Circle members here.

This is one avenue, although you might also like to consider a dedicated group of people or specialist in an area and you may wish to setup an advisory board where you can seek expertise as needed such as marketing, banking, HR and so forth. Take time to consider exactly what you need and how you engage people who want to do the best by you and your business.

It’s very important not only for your business, but for you personally, to have people to discuss things and bounce ideas off. It is equally important to get perspective from someone outside the business, not a family member or a friend so that you can get an open, unbiased and transparent view. As business gets a bit more difficult over the coming years with a number of changes occurring at the moment, you may find having this kind of support network very helpful.

Reach out to discuss how you might go about getting something in place today, or to come along to a Summit Community session and see how it can benefit you and your business.




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